Hello 👋  Below you'll learn more about me.

Hello, my name is Matthew T. Kernen I strongly believe everyone’s opinion matters. I like to listen to peoples perspectives and learn from their experiences.

 My background is in the manufacturing industrie. I have worked as a CNC operator manufacturing parts for various companies. I enjoy working on projects from start to finish and believe that is what interested me in machining. 

I am trying to transition careers into a field where I can help others by listening to their unique perspectives and needs.

How I like to spend my days 🌇

I enjoy spending my down time with my family. Usually we’re at the park, or at home watching Disney movies.

Activities I enjoy 🥰

I enjoy drawing, cooking, making coffee, taking pictures, and even assembling a project. I enjoy working on a project from start to finish. It gives me a sense of reward when completing a project.

                 Get in touch at: 

             E-mail: kernen.matthew45@gmail.com

Twitter: @kernen_matthew