A way to help people become first time parents
Project overview
I wanted to design a product that would help people become first-time parents. I know first hand it can be challenging to care for a child. Your whole routine changes, and have to learn to adjust your schedule to care for your child. My target audience for this project is people who are expecting to be parents or parents who want to continue to improve their parenting skills.
Project duration:
March 2023 - May 2023
Project Overview
The Problem :
After conducting interviews I learned that parents sought help through internet searches. Most parents had tight schedules and would search for information in brief moments of their day. Finding a solution that would help parents engage in learning about parenting through a trusted source.
The Goal:
My goal is to design an app that helps parents learn about parenting on their time. Making it easier for parents to find engaging subjects on their schedule.
My Role:
UX Designer
My Responsibilities:
User Research, Paper Wire Frames, Mock Ups, and Prototypes. Designing a responsive website and usability Studies
Understanding the User
User Research Summary
I started My research not knowing what exactly people needed as a first-time parents. I conducted interviews with parents to better empathize with People that expressed the challenges they faced. Based on my interviews I created a persona and problem statement. Hoping to better define a solution for people to learn about becoming a first-time parent. Some major pain points were remembering tasks, or finding information regarded to taking care of a child.
Persona: Jack
Problem Statement
Jack is a father of 2
who needs to be able to practice common hygienic routines with his kids as going to the restroom, and washing hands on an orderly schedule.
Because he is always on the go, or running errands as a family.
Persona: Jill
Problem Statement
Jill is a mother who likes to go out with her family.
who needs a way to remember to bring essential items with her to trips or activities
because forgetting an item can prevent her from performing an activity or enjoying a trip with her family.
Competitive Audit
I conducted a competitive audit on family oriented websites to get an idea for a theme for the product I was designing. Then I looked at products that marketed planners and calendars to fulfill gaps in the product I was designing.
After creating my personas, problem statements, and competitive audit I sketched up ideas for solutions. My sketches were trying to find ways to organize information, and create engaging information to perform tasks.
Starting the design
Digital Wireframe
After sketching ideas for wireframes I combined features that I thought would benefit the user. A way to view activities in text or video. Also, a bottom navigation bar for users to easily access tools in the app.
Low Fidelity Prototype
To prepare for user testing I made a functional prototype from my wireframes. The user flow allows users to find tasks/activities they would like to engage in. Then pick a preferred method to learn about that activity. I provided a link to the prototype underneath the provided photo
Usability Study Parameters
Usability Study Findings
Titles and Icons
Participants had trouble distinguishing where they were in the user flow
Participants had trouble distinguishing video button
Users were unsure if task was completed or not
Refining the Design
Mock Ups
Most users had trouble identifying the video switch button, and how to interact with action. I included a small description above the button to help the user with direction.
Mock Ups
Users were unsure if they had completed the task, and were unsure of direction. I had corrected my wording for prompt of completion to help the user have a clear sense of direction.
Mock Ups
High Fidelity Prototype
After creating my mock ups I created a functional prototype that focuses on selecting an activity, then viewing that activity in your preferred method video or text.
Accessibility Considerations
I added bread crumbs so the user can see where they are in the user flow
I updated text in buttons so users have a clearer idea how to interact with actions
Updated wording on prompts to help user avoid vague direction
Responsive Design
Site Map
I created a site map to better visualize how to design a responsive site for a web browser. So users could access the site from a mobile device, tablet, or desktop.
Responsive Designs
I arranged items like text and buttons with space consideration and resized text for a responsive web application.
Going forward
Participants thought the user flow was engaging and considerate to their needs
What I learned
I learned every parent's situation is different, and their needs may be different from one another. Feedback from parent's engagement with designs wanted a few more tools included. Such as a calendar, a matrix to search for topics, or even a way to connect with their community.
Next Steps
I would like to add a calendar so you can add tasks to your agenda. So users can complete activities or stay on top of their desired routine.
Add a search matrix so users can search through topics they would like to engage in.
A way for parents to engage in their community. To be able to talk to someone who may be able to understand what they are going through.